60+ Recruiting Statistics [2024]

by The Withe Team
June 10, 202411 min read
Recruiting statistics report

In today's competitive job market, understanding the intricacies of the recruitment process is essential for both employers and job seekers. This article delves into the various stages of recruiting, highlighting critical statistics that illuminate candidate behaviours, employer strategies, and the overall effectiveness of different recruiting practices. From the initial job application to the final onboarding process, these insights provide valuable information on how to enhance each step to attract and retain top talent.

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Key Recruiting Statistics to Know

  1. 92% of candidates drop off during the application process
  2. 94% of candidates are more likely to apply for a job if a company actively manages its employer brand
  3. Organizations with a strong onboarding process see an 82% improvement in new hire retention and a productivity boost exceeding 70%
  4. Recruiting teams spent 42% of their time scheduling interviews in 2022
  5. 60% of candidates report having received a poor candidate experience, with 72% likely to share their bad experiences with others

Job Application

The job application process is a critical phase in the recruitment funnel, yet it is also one where many candidates drop off.

In 2023, 92% of candidates dropped off at some point in the application process (Appcast). Furthermore, 43% of companies report the application phase as the point where most candidates drop off (Fountain).

A major factor is the complexity of online applications: 60% of candidates quit midway due to their length or complexity (CareerBuilder). Other key reasons for drop-off include:

  • Alternative Opportunities: 47% of candidates are dropping off due to finding other jobs.
  • Poor Candidate Experience: 46% of candidates drop off because of an unsatisfactory application experience.

However, there's a clear opportunity for improvement. According to Hays, 49% of candidates would apply instantly if the application process were simple.

Recruiting statistics - 49% of candidates would apply instantly if the application process were simple

Moreover, the quality of the application process directly impacts job acceptance rates. Candidates are 38% more likely to accept a job offer if they are satisfied with the application process (Glassdoor).

Technical and communication issues further complicate the process. Talentegy reports:

  • 56% of applicants encountered technical issues.
  • 63% are dissatisfied with post-application communication.
  • 55% rarely or never get updates on their application status.
  • 75% were never or rarely asked for feedback after applying. Despite this, 69% are willing to provide feedback on the process.

Mobile optimization is also crucial, as 70% of applicants completed their applications on mobile devices in 2022 (Appcast).

Being timely with your communication is important. 58% of candidates expect to hear back from companies within a week of applying (Greenhouse).

Related resource: 30+ Job Application Statistics [2024]

Employer Brand

The importance of employer brand in the recruitment process cannot be overstated, as it significantly influences both the quantity and quality of job applicants.

According to LinkedIn,

  • 75% of job seekers consider an employer’s brand before even applying for a job.
  • 94% of candidates are more likely to apply if a company actively manages its employer brand.

This emphasis on branding has increased over time, with 82% of candidates considering employer brand and reputation before applying for a job in 2023, a 7% increase from 2018 (CareerArc).

A strong employer brand has tangible benefits:

  • Increased Applications: 50% increase in the number of qualified candidates and result in twice as many applications compared to companies with negative brand perceptions (LinkedIn).
  • Research-Driven Decisions: 86% of employees and job seekers are likely to research company reviews and ratings when deciding where to apply for a job (Glassdoor).

Employer brand also affects job offer acceptance rates. MRINetwork reports that 69% of candidates would reject a job offer from a company with a bad employer brand. Conversely, companies that invest in their employer brand see a 28% reduction in employee turnover and a 50% decrease in cost-per-hire (Glassdoor). LinkedIn data shows that businesses with a strong employer brand experience a 43% decrease in cost-per-hire.

The impact of employer brand extends to overall business performance:

  • 96% of companies believe that employer brand and reputation can positively or negatively impact revenue, yet only 44% monitor that impact (CareerArc).
  • 80% of talent acquisition managers believe that employer brand has a significant impact on the ability to hire great talent (Global Recruiting Trends).

Despite the clear advantages, many organizations struggle with employer brand. CareerArc reports that:

  • 49% of employers believe they don’t have the tools to effectively enhance their employer brand
  • Only 57% of organizations surveyed have an employer brand strategy in place.

Related resource: 30+ Employer Brand Statistics [2024]

Job Interview

The job interview stage is a vital component of the recruitment process, with significant implications for both candidates and employers.

In 2023, 94% of hiring professionals stated that interviews are “very valuable” for making the best hiring decisions (Criteria).

Virtual interviews have become increasingly popular, with 84% of employers reporting enhanced diversity in their application pools as a result. Moreover, companies are 2.7 times more likely to improve their cost per hire using video interviewing tools (Aberdeen).

Recruiting teams spent 42% of their time scheduling interviews in 2022, a 5% increase from the previous year (GoodTime).

The Candidate Expectations Report 2023 by Cronofy highlighted several key findings:

  • 49% of candidates left the recruitment process when it took too long to schedule an interview, compared to 38% in 2022.
  • 40% of candidates expect it to take 2-6 days after applying for a job to schedule an interview, up from 30.5% in 2021 and 33% in 2022.
  • 72% of candidates say the smoothness of the interview process would affect their final decision on whether or not to take the job.
  • 62% of candidates would prefer an automated system that manages the interview process efficiently rather than lengthy back-and-forth communication.

Scheduling interviews remains a significant challenge. It takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours for recruiters to schedule a single interview, with 60% of recruiters finding it difficult to find a time that works for everyone (Yello).

In 2022, 50% of companies agreed that efficient scheduling is key to creating a faster and simpler hiring experience for candidates (GoodTime). Despite this, only 51% of recruiters use interview scheduling software (Yello).

Related resource: 50+ Job Interview Statistics [2024]

Candidate Experience

Candidate experience is a critical factor in the recruitment process, influencing candidates’ perceptions and decisions.

According to CareerArc, 60% of candidates report having received a poor candidate experience. This dissatisfaction can have far-reaching effects, as 72% of candidates are likely to share their bad experiences online or with someone directly.

Improving candidate experience has tangible benefits. Glassdoor reports that 70% of companies saw an improvement in the quality of hires after prioritizing candidate experience.

Candidates are generally willing to provide feedback, with 68% indicating they would if asked (Talentegy). Furthermore, talent is 4 times more likely to consider a company for future opportunities if they receive constructive feedback (LinkedIn).

Negative candidate experiences can have long-term repercussions:

  • 69% of candidates are unlikely or very unlikely to reapply after a negative experience (Talentegy).
  • 83% of talent say a negative interview experience can change their mind about a role or company they once liked, while 87% say a positive interview experience can change their mind about a role or company they once doubted (Global Talent Trends Report).
  • 65% of candidates say that a bad interview experience makes them lose interest in the job (LinkedIn).

Related resource: 50+ Candidate Experience Statistics [2024]

Job Offer

The job offer stage is crucial in the recruitment process, influencing candidates' final decisions and overall perception of the company.

According to CareerPlug, 49% of candidates have declined a job offer due to poor experience. Conversely, 81% of candidates surveyed said a positive experience influenced their decision to accept an offer.

The average offer acceptance rate in 2023 is 73%. This rate has remained relatively stable over the past three years, with 73.25% in 2021 and 72.5% in 2022 (Ashby).

Moreover, the average interview-to-offer conversion rate in 2023 is 36.2%. This figure has more than doubled since 2015 when only 17 out of every 100 interviews led to an offer (Recruitment Benchmark Report).

Related resource: 10+ Job Offer Statistics [2024]


Effective onboarding is crucial for employee retention and productivity, yet many organizations struggle to implement comprehensive programs.

A significant 88% of employees feel their organization lacks a good onboarding program (Gallup). This is further supported by the fact that 36% of employers do not have a structured onboarding process, which can negatively impact the overall onboarding experience (CareerBuilder).

Moreover, 55% of organizations do not measure the effectiveness of their onboarding programs (Businesswise). This lack of measurement means that many companies may not realize the full impact of their onboarding practices.

A primary challenge in onboarding is the disconnect between hiring and onboarding processes, with 40% of organizations identifying this as a top issue (Leena AI).

Top 5 onboarding challenges

Onboarding challenge% of organizations

Disconnection between hiring and onboarding

Lack of employee engagement13%
Onboarding program being too short11%
Personalization of new hire experience11%
Automating workflows10%

The benefits of exceptional onboarding programs are substantial:

  • Companies with outstanding onboarding see a 2.5x increase in revenue growth and a 1.9% improvement in profit margins (Zavvy).
  • Organizations with a strong onboarding process see an impressive 82% improvement in new hire retention and a remarkable productivity boost exceeding 70% (Brandon Hall Group).

Despite these benefits, many organizations fall short in extending their onboarding programs. According to CareerBuilder,

  • 72% of HR professionals do not extend their onboarding programs beyond the first month.
  • The recommended onboarding duration is 90 days, aligning with the belief that effective onboarding should take at least three months for new hires.

Effective onboarding has a profound impact on employee commitment. According to BambooHR,

  • Employees who had effective onboarding feel up to 18 times more committed to their workplace compared to those who had less effective onboarding.
  • New hires with a positive onboarding experience are three times more likely to feel a strong commitment to their employer.

The onboarding experience has a swift impact, as new hires typically make their decision within just 44 days (BambooHR). A great onboarding experience ensures that 69% of employees stick with a company for up to three years (SHRM).

However, there is still room for improvement. One in three HR professionals reports that the quality of their onboarding does not meet the standard, highlighting the need for enhancement in the onboarding experience (ClickBoarding).

Related resource: 80+ Employee Onboarding Statistics [2024]


Each stage of the recruitment process is vital in attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent. Simplifying the application process can reduce candidate drop-off rates and increase job acceptance. Effective employer branding can double the number of applications and reduce hiring costs, while a positive candidate experience improves the quality of hires and encourages candidates to reapply or recommend the company.

Streamlining job interviews with virtual interview tools and automated scheduling enhances efficiency and candidate satisfaction. The job offer stage is crucial for securing top talent, and a positive experience here boosts acceptance rates. Robust onboarding programs are essential for retaining new hires and boosting productivity, with companies that invest in these programs seeing significant improvements.

By addressing challenges and leveraging opportunities at each stage, organizations can build a strong talent acquisition strategy, enhancing their ability to attract and retain top talent and contributing to overall business success.

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The Withe Team

Meet the team behind the revolutionary on-demand video interview software that connects great companies with top talent. Their user-friendly solution streamlines the hiring process and helps people find the right opportunities. With a customer-centric approach, this team of experts is dedicated to helping you find the perfect match.

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